Gingerbread French Toast


When I was a kid, every once in a while my mom would treat us to something extra special:  French toast for dinner. Simple. White bread, dredged in egg wash, fried in butter, dusted with granulated sugar, and cut into squares, like a checker-board. It’s the way her mom used to do it when she was little, and it’s probably the way I will if I have kids of my own. The crunch of the sugar on top of the bed of golden bread was unbeatable. Now that I’m older — well, I still let other people make French toast for me. And my goodness can my fella make French toast. He takes his time — makes sure the bread is perfectly soaked (not too little, not too much),  and perfectly cooked at just the right temperature — and just knows intrinsically how to flavor it just right.  But one day we wondered: what would it be like with ALL the spices? What if we made Gingerbread French Toast? Continue reading →